THE Phantom

Friday the 13th of May. Time for a little bit of Hidden Phantom Manor.

As you exit phantom manor you come to a fork in the path to either go to Boot Hill or back round to Frontierland. If you head over to Boot Hill and look back onto the Manor you will be given a unique view and insight. Every so often there is a light that flickers on and off in this window. This is more obvious in the evening. If you are really sharp eyed you will spot that there is a figure in the window. Or at least on these photos there is a pair of white gloves.

With a little bit of fiddling with the image software i have (lets call it the spectromator), I’ve managed to enhance the shape of the figure in the window. You can now see that the shadow is wearing a top hat shirt with collar, cloak and gloves

Sexta-feira, 13 de Maio. Dia ideal para um detalhe escondido na casa assombrada.

À saída da casa assombrada, chegas a um ponto onde podes escolher ir para o Boot Hill ou voltar para a Frontierland. Se escolheres ir até ao Boot Hill e de seguida olhares para trás terás uma vista exclusiva do interior da casa. De vez em quando há uma luz que se acende e apaga na janela. Isto é mais óbvio à noite, mas se tiveres olho de lince, serás capaz de notar que há algo à janela. Pelo menos nestas fotos há um par de luvas brancas.

Com uma pequena edição da imagem (através dos espectros) foi possível tornar mais evidente o que a “sombra” tem vestido.

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  1. Ellassie

    You can actually see the bride as well in one of the front windows. Don’t remember which one, sadly 🙁

  2. xXMontyDogXx

    I am the only one that thinks the phantom is the hatbox ghost kinda from Disneyland California come to find another mansion coz he got kicked out of the one over there? I mean he wears a top hat and white shirt, high collared stuff much like Hatty. X

  3. Taylor

    I agree! I thought he looked like the hat box ghost too!! which is actually back at the Haunted Mansion right now, visiting for the 60th anniversary. It’s pretty neat! I was just there at the beginning of June. curious to see what this one is like, I am going to Disney Paris the middle of August!

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